Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases through eye movements

A new robotic system developed by UPM researchers and AURA Innovative Robotics Company can help diagnose neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia and Parkinson's through the analysis of eye movements.


New type of vertigo identified

Neurologists have identified a new type of vertigo with no known cause, according to a study published in the May 23, 2018, online issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Art is in the eye of the beholder

A researcher from James Cook University in Australia has found that a person's mental state affects how they look at art.


Memory overload? That's when the eyes step in eyes

What happens when the information you try to remember becomes too much for the brain? Apparently we turn to our eyes for help, suggests a recently published Baycrest study.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Children find it easier to lie to robots

Ph.D. candidate Mariana Serras Pereira's research into misleading and deceptive behavior among children reveals that body language is very telling, and that children find it easier to lie to robots than to human beings. They ...

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