
Researchers identify the neural circuits that modulate REM sleep

A team of scientists led by Dr. Antoine Adamantidis, a researcher at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute and an assistant professor at McGill University, has released the findings from their latest study, which ...


Dreaming is still possible even when the mind is blank

Isabelle Arnulf and colleagues from the Sleep Disorders Unit at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) have outlined case studies of patients with Auto-Activation Deficit who reported dreams when awakened from REM sleep ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Vision trumps hearing in study

A Duke University study used puppet-based comedy to demonstrate the complicated inner-workings of the brain and shows what every ventriloquist knows: The eye is more convincing than the ear.


Sleep boosts production of brain support cells

Sleep increases the reproduction of the cells that go on to form the insulating material on nerve cell projections in the brain and spinal cord known as myelin, according to an animal study published in the September 4 issue ...


Why we look at the puppet, not the ventriloquist

(Medical Xpress)—As ventriloquists have long known, your eyes can sometimes tell your brain where a sound is coming from more convincingly than your ears can.

Medical research

Human eye movements for vision are remarkably adaptable

When something gets in the way of our ability to see, we quickly pick up a new way to look, in much the same way that we would learn to ride a bike, according to a new study published in the journal Current Biology on August ...


Eye movements reveal rhythm of memory formation

(Medical Xpress)—Quick eye movements, called saccades, that enable us to scan a visual scene appear to act as a metronome for pushing information about that scene into memory.

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