
Looking at something can change our perception of time

Human eyes are constantly moving. Most people make more than 10,000 eye movements every hour – adding up to more than 160,000 in an average waking day. Many of these eye movements are quite reflexive. Something catches ...


Lining up our sights

Neurologists at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich have studied the role of the vestibular system, which controls balance, in optimizing how we direct our gaze. The results could lead to more effective rehabilitation ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The temporal coordination of thinking and speaking

In everyday conversations, we often begin to speak before we have completely decided what we are going to say and how we are going to say it. This raises the question as to how speaking and thinking are coordinated temporally. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Dreams: Full of meaning or a reflex of the brain?

It's a question that has long fascinated and flummoxed those who study human behavior: From whence comes the impulse to dream? Are dreams generated from the brain's "top" - the high-flying cortical structures that allow us ...

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