
Diabetic retinopathy severity inversely tied to cognition

(HealthDay)—For patients with type 2 diabetes, the severity of diabetic retinopathy (DR) is inversely linked to cognitive impairment, according to a study published online April 30 in Diabetes Care.


Eye health is related to brain health

People with mild vascular disease that causes damage to the retina in the eye are more likely to have problems with thinking and memory skills because they may also have vascular disease in the brain, according to a study ...


Mobile screening app triples eye care uptake

Using smartphones for eye screening and referrals could triple the number of people seeking primary care for eye problems and increase the uptake of hospital services in low-resource settings, a study says.


COVID-19 linked to potentially dangerous eye abnormalities

Researchers using MRI have found significant abnormalities in the eyes of some people with severe COVID-19, according to a study published in the journal Radiology. The study results support the need for eye screening in ...

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