Psychology & Psychiatry

Obsessive 'sharenting' could be more than digital narcissism

It's summer and Facebook news feeds are awash with idyllic, sun-drenched snapshots of family life. This kind of "sharenting" is bigger than ever but we rarely stop to think about whether it is appropriate, why we do it and ...


Celebrities in 'Ice Bucket Challenge' to fight disease

Steven Spielberg, Justin Bieber and Bill Gates are among many celebrities pouring buckets of ice water over their heads and donating to fight Lou Gehrig's disease, in a fundraising effort that has gone viral.


Want to know about vaping? Turn on the TV or go online

Adults are widely exposed to e-cigarette marketing through the media, but those messages reach different demographic groups in different ways, according to a survey by researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago's ...


Alcohol industry '€œlikes' Facebook

(Medical Xpress)—A University of Queensland study shows Facebook is one of the alcohol industry's key promotional tools, sparking concerns about inadequate regulation of alcohol marketing on social media.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Screenagers face troubling addictions from an early age

In 1997, Douglas Rushkoff boldly predicted the emergence a new caste of tech-literate adolescents. He argued that the children of his day would soon blossom into "screenagers", endowed with effortless advantages over their ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Increased time on Facebook could lead women to negative body images

The mediated version of what women should look like has always been under scrutiny, particularly looking at actresses and fashion models. But what about body image from social networks and friends? A recent study by researchers ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Adjunct social media improves contraceptive knowledge

(HealthDay)—Use of social media in addition to standard contraceptive education is associated with improved patient contraceptive knowledge, according to research published in the April issue of Obstetrics & Gynecology.

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