
Facing complexity in the left brain/right brain paradigm

The left brain/right brain dichotomy has been prominent on the pop psychology scene since Nobel Laureate Roger Sperry broached the subject in the 1960s. The left is analytical while the right is creative, so goes the adage.


Similar structures for face selectivity in human and monkey brains

(Medical Xpress) -- Face recognition and the interpretation of facial expressions and gaze direction play a key role in guiding the social behavior of human beings, and new study results point to similar mechanisms in macaques. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Forensic examiners pass the face matching test

The first study to test the skills of FBI agents and other law enforcers who have been trained in facial recognition has provided a reassuring result - they perform better than the average person or even computers on this ...

Medical research

A handsome face could mean lower semen quality

Contrary to what one might expect, facial masculinity was negatively associated with semen quality in a recent Journal of Evolutionary Biology study.

Autism spectrum disorders

Advanced 3-D facial imaging may aid in early detection of autism

Autism is a spectrum of closely related disorders diagnosed in patients who exhibit a shared core of symptoms, including delays in learning to communicate and interact socially. Early detection of autism in children is the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How coming home changes a soldier's brain

Soldiers returning from combat have heightened activity in the part of the brain that regulates fear but this usually normalises after around 18 months, a study has found.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Brain differences seen in depressed preschoolers

(Medical Xpress)—A key brain structure that regulates emotions works differently in preschoolers with depression compared with their healthy peers, according to new research at Washington University School of Medicine in ...

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