Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Dementia's financial and family impact: New study shows outsized toll

Most people think of dementia as something that affects a person's brain. But a new study shows just how much damage it does to a person's wallet and bank account too—as well as the higher demands it places on their family ...


Pets help AIDS survivors through two pandemics

During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people turned to their pets to help them feel less lonely and isolated. Researchers at the University of California, Davis, wanted to learn what role pets played in helping ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Giving social support to others may boost your health

When it comes to your health, being willing to give social support to your spouse, friends and family may be just as important as receiving assistance, a new study suggests.


How sleep helps teens deal with social stress

A new Michigan State University study found that a good night's sleep does adolescents good—beyond helping them stay awake in class. Adequate sleep can help teens navigate challenging social situations.

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