
Low-calorie sweeteners promote fat accumulation in human fat

Low-calorie, artificial sweeteners appear to play havoc with the body's metabolism, and large consumption of these sugar substitutes could promote fat accumulation, especially in people who are already obese, preliminary ...

Medical research

Obesity prevented in mice fed high-fat diet

Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have identified a way to prevent fat cells from growing larger, a process that leads to weight gain and obesity. By activating a pathway in fat cells in ...

Medical research

Store fat or burn it? Targeting a single protein flips the switch

As obesity becomes a growing issue worldwide—nearly tripling over the last-half century—scientists are trying to gain a better understanding of the condition at the molecular level. Now, new research led by UC San Francisco ...

Medical research

Research identifies protein that promotes the breakdown of fat

Researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have found that a protein often located on the surface of fat droplets within cells - and especially abundant in the muscles of endurance athletes - can kick-start the more efficient ...

Medical research

Research digs up the fat-fighting power of clays

Investigating how clay materials can improve drug delivery, UniSA researcher and Ph.D. candidate, Tahnee Dening serendipitously discovered that the clay materials she was using had a unique ability to "soak up" fat droplets ...

Medical research

Researchers reveal one reason why fat cells fail

Yale University researchers have found one of the mechanisms that cause fat cells to lose their ability to efficiently store and use energy -- a scientific mystery and a phenomenon that contributes to a major public health ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Fatty liver changes the distribution and activity of proteins

Chronic excessive caloric intake leads to the deposition of fat droplets in the liver. This condition, known as fatty liver, can cause permanent damage to the organ. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Silencing fat protein improves obesity and blood sugar

In a study published in the Journal of Lipid Research, Saint Louis University scientist Angel Baldan, Ph.D., reports that turning off a protein found in liver and adipose tissue significantly improves blood sugar levels, ...

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