Medical research

Unlocking the molecular mechanism of PTSD treatment

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a difficult-to-cure mental health condition that is caused by experiencing a traumatizing event, such as interpersonal violence or disaster. While sufferers of PTSD have existed across ...


How the brain encodes time and place

When you remember a particular experience, that memory has three critical elements—what, when, and where. MIT neuroscientists have now identified a brain circuit that processes the "when" and "where" components of memory.


Research points to genes that may help us form memories

Gene expression within neurons is critical for the formation of memories, but it's difficult to identify genes whose expression is altered by learning. Now researchers have successfully monitored the expression of genes in ...


Brain recalls old memories via new pathways

People with anxiety disorders, such as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), often experience prolonged and exaggerated fearfulness. Now, an animal study suggests that this might involve disruption of a gradual shifting ...

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