
Can memory manipulation help treat alcohol addiction?

In the United States alone, over 14 million adults suffer from alcohol use disorder. For those that seek treatment, 90% will experience at least one relapse within the first four years. One reason for this is that alcohol ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sleep loss hijacks brain's activity during learning

Sleep is crucial for consolidating our memories, and sleep deprivation has long been known to interfere with learning and memory. Now a new study shows that getting only half a night's sleep—as many medical workers and ...


How does the brain process fear?

When a frightful creature startles you, your brain may activate its fear-processing circuitry, sending your heart racing to help you escape the threat. It's also the job of the brain's fear-processing circuits to help you ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Are you afraid you might have agoraphobia?

Agoraphobia (ag-uh-ruh-FOE-be-uh) is a type of anxiety disorder in which you fear and avoid places or situations that might cause you to panic and make you feel trapped, helpless or embarrassed. You fear an actual or anticipated ...


The overlap between fear and anxiety brain circuits

Fear and anxiety reflect overlapping brain circuits, according to research recently published in JNeurosci. The findings highlight a need to reevaluate the existing models guiding anxiety research.

Psychology & Psychiatry

How fear persists in the mouse brain

Most people have experienced, at some point in their lives, a sudden unexpected fright. Even after a shadowy figure in a darkened room turns out to just be a chair, your heart rate is still high, your palms stay sweaty, and ...

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