Psychology & Psychiatry

Exploring the Victorian fear of cats

The EU-funded DISEASES project has been exploring how the Victorians diagnosed, understood and dealt with many of the phenomena related to stress and overload that characterise today's modern globalised society. One intriguing ...


Docs: kids to suffer under Trump's tough immigration policies

(HealthDay)—U.S. pediatricians are taking President Donald Trump to task after he issued executive orders Wednesday that—the doctors said—will make the country a much less welcoming place for immigrant children.


Alcohol prevents ability to extinguish fearful memories in mice

Experiments in mice by researchers at Johns Hopkins suggest that if the goal is to ease or extinguish fearful emotional memories like those associated with post-traumatic stress disorder, alcohol may make things worse, not ...


Transplanted interneurons can help reduce fear in mice

The expression "once bitten, twice shy" is an illustration of how a bad experience can induce fear and caution. How to effectively reduce the memory of aversive events is a fundamental question in neuroscience. Scientists ...


Reconditioning the brain to overcome fear

Researchers have discovered a way to remove specific fears from the brain, using a combination of artificial intelligence and brain scanning technology. Their technique, published in the inaugural edition of Nature Human ...


Neuropeptide may aid targeted anxiety therapy

The targeted control of biochemical processes and neuronal signalling pathways using the messenger substance neuropeptide Y could help in the future treatment of anxiety disorders. This is demonstrated in research findings ...


What does it take to make a memory? Study says new proteins

While the romantic poets' idea of memories being akin to spirits may have poetic merit, the scientists' perspective is that memories are concrete, physical entities that can be visualized within various regions of the brain.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why some of us crave fear

Each Halloween, we are reminded that we are a nation divided.

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