Psychology & Psychiatry

How fear memories get stuck in some brains

Researchers at Linköping University, Sweden, have discovered a biological mechanism that increases the strength with which fear memories are stored in the brain. The study, carried out in rats, is published in Molecular ...


Reframe the pain: Reducing needle anxiety in children

Tears, tantrums, and distress—when it comes to needles, many children struggle with anxiety. But with vaccinations becoming more regular, finding ways to help reduce needle-related fear and pain is high on the agenda.

Psychology & Psychiatry

How vaccine-related fears affect the flu shot experience

A novel long-term study of how vaccine-related fears influence flu shot outcomes has found that these fears not only reduce vaccination, but also fuel symptoms of dizziness and lightheadedness at the time of the injection.


Patients with migraine have balance impairment

Patients with migraine have balance impairment, which is associated with fear of falls, dizziness disability, and kinesiophobia, according to a study published online May 20 in Headache.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Understanding and reframing the fear of rejection

If there's one thing for sure, it's that life doesn't always go our way. A rejection, no matter the circumstance or size, can be painful, but it is something we all experience at some stage in our lives.

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