
A bumpy first day for new insurance marketplaces

For millions of Americans trying to log in, the online insurance marketplaces that are the center of President Barack Obama's health care overhaul began with a stalled website, an error message or a menu that didn't work.


Obamacare 2017: Higher prices, fewer choices

(HealthDay)—Just days before the next enrollment period for health plans offered through the Affordable Care Act, many Americans were jolted by the Obama administration's announcement of a 25 percent price hike, on average, ...


Millions leaving government insurance money on the table?

Millions of Americans who bought individual health insurance outside the Affordable Care Act's public exchanges may be leaving money on the table if they skip those marketplaces again in picking 2017 coverage, a new report ...


US appeals court deals blow to health law

(AP)—President Barack Obama's health care law is snared in another big legal battle after two federal appeals courts issued contradictory rulings on a key financing issue Tuesday.

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