Psychology & Psychiatry

Social media algorithms exploit how humans learn from their peers

In prehistoric societies, humans tended to learn from members of our ingroup or from more prestigious individuals, as this information was more likely to be reliable and result in group success. However, with the advent of ...

Medical research

Glucose acts as a double edged sword on longevity factor SIRT1

Feeding and fasting cycles exert control over metabolism and energy utilization. Aberrations are known to cause metabolic diseases, liver dysfunctions and accelerated aging. Expression and activity of the anti-aging factor ...

Medical research

More people and fewer wild fish lead to an omega-3 supply gap

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential components of healthy diets for both humans and fish. The dramatic increase in fish farming worldwide has boosted the demand for omega-3 fatty acids so much that today's supply can't meet ...


Brain circuit connects feeding and mood in response to stress

Many people have experienced stressful situations that trigger a particular mood and also change certain feelings toward food. An international team led by researchers at Baylor College of Medicine looked into the possibility ...

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Feed may refer to:

In animal foodstuffs:

In computing:

In media:

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