Psychology & Psychiatry

Self-inflicted pain eases guilt

(Medical Xpress) -- Physical discomfort can ease feelings of guilt, according to a study conducted by The University of Queensland (UQ).

Psychology & Psychiatry

Global depression statistics

Depression affects 121 million people worldwide. In can affect a person's ability to work, form relationships, and destroy their quality of life. At its most severe depression can lead to suicide and is responsible for 850,000 ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Focus on childhood glaucoma caregivers

Even with more advanced treatments and early intervention, caregivers of young people living with childhood glaucoma face profound challenges with no cure or way to reverse the damage—and always facing the prospect of their ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Athletes suspend morality to pursue sporting success: study

Ruthless sportspeople often suspend their sense of right and wrong when they step onto the field of play—viewing sport as a different world where they jettison responsibility to act in a moral way, according to a new study.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Explainer: What is depression?

Many people know what it's like to feel sad or down from time to time. We can experience negative emotions due to many things – a bad day at work, a relationship break-up, a sad film, or just getting out of bed on the "wrong ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Looking out for #1 can make you happy, if you have no choice

(Medical Xpress)—We are, at our core, social creatures and we spend considerable time and effort on building and maintaining our relationships with others. As young children, we're taught that "sharing means caring" and, ...

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