Obstetrics & gynaecology

‘Infertile’ women may just need longer to conceive

(Medical Xpress) -- One-in-four women with a history of infertility can still end up having a baby without treatment, a new study from The University of Queensland (UQ) shows.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Women cannot rewind the 'biological clock'

Many women do not fully appreciate the consequences of delaying motherhood, and expect that assisted reproductive technologies can reverse their aged ovarian function, Yale researchers reported in a study published in a recent ...


Zinc, folic acid supplements fail to enhance male fertility

Zinc and folic acid, a pair of dietary supplements long touted as an effective treatment for male infertility, failed to improve pregnancy rates, sperm counts, and sperm potency in a new study conducted at University of Utah ...

Medical research

Research reverses the reproductive clock in mice

Researchers have lifted fertility rates in older female mice with small doses of a metabolic compound that reverses the aging process in eggs, offering hope for some women struggling to conceive.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Tests can help assess ovarian health and fertility

Just like a carton of store-bought eggs carries an expiration date, the eggs in a woman's ovaries have a limited "shelf life" when it comes to fertility. This isn't news to most women, but what many might not realize is that ...


Scientists link dietary DHA to male fertility

Who knew that male fertility depends on sperm-cell architecture? A University of Illinois study reports that a certain omega-3 fatty acid is necessary to construct the arch that turns a round, immature sperm cell into a pointy-headed ...

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