Obstetrics & gynaecology

CBD, THC use during early pregnancy can disrupt fetal development

A new study published in Scientific Reports, a Nature Research journal, shows how a one-time exposure during early pregnancy to cannabinoids (CBs) - both synthetic and natural—can cause growth issues in a developing embryo. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Reversing fetal alcohol damage after birth

Two commonly used drugs erased the learning and memory deficits caused by fetal alcohol exposure when the drugs were given after birth, thus potentially identifying a treatment for the disorder, reports a new Northwestern ...


Study pokes holes in fetal alcohol hypothesis

A new study published in the journal Brain Behavior and Immunity appears to challenge the theory that cells in the brain's immune system are the culprit behind the neurological damage that occurs in children exposed to alcohol ...


Paying closer attention to attention

Ellen's (not her real name) adoptive parents weren't surprised when the school counselor suggested that she might have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

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