
Student puts 'exoskeletons' to the test in emergency situations

Prevalent work-related injuries among emergency medical technicians (EMTs) are sprains and strains, most of which affect the hands and upper trunk, according to 2020 statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ...


Japanese woman dies after 150 giant hornet stings

A wheelchair-bound 87-year-old pensioner who was attacked by giant hornets in Japan and stung 150 times has died, a firefighter said Friday, as emergency workers stood by powerless to help her.


'Ramp-up' alert tones can help reduce stress on firefighters

An article published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (JOEH) that examines long-term health effects suffered by emergency responders indicates that "ramp-up" alert tones can help reduce stress on firefighters.

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