Psychology & Psychiatry

Landmark study into firefighters' mental health

The University of Adelaide is conducting the first study of its kind into the mental health of professional firefighters at South Australia's Metropolitan Fire Service (MFS).


3 from FDNY who worked at ground zero die in 1 day

(AP)—Three retired firefighters who worked at ground zero have died on the same day from cancer, an illness that many fear might be connected to toxic World Trade Center dust released on Sept. 11, fire officials said Thursday.


Older firefighters may be more resilient to working in heat

Older firefighters who are chronically exposed to heat stress on the job could be more heat resilient over time. A recent study published in the December issue of the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (JOEH) ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

French firemen test hypnosis to help victims

"Look me straight in the eye. Your mind is emptying, your body is relaxing," says the fireman, using the calming words of hypnosis to help a trauma victim—a technique being pioneered by fire crews in the eastern French ...


When 'clean' is not clean enough

Some solutions are just no-brainers. Take medical backboards, for example, those hard plastic boards used to stabilize patients during emergencies before the patient is lifted onto the gurney and hurried into the ambulance. ...

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