
What happens to your body when you get left in the cold

Pret a Manger, a sandwich and coffee chain, was handed an £800,000 fine recently after one of its employees became stuck in a walk-in freezer. The employee was trapped in the -18°C freezer for two and a half hours before ...


Q&A: Dietary cholesterol and how it fits in with a healthy diet

For more than half a century, scientists have debated the role of dietary cholesterol in a healthy diet. Because it was often associated with saturated fat, limiting dietary cholesterol—especially by restricting egg consumption—seemed ...


Guidelines covering all acute coronary syndromes published

The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Guidelines on acute coronary syndromes are published online today in European Heart Journal. The document covers the management of unstable angina and all types of acute myocardial ...

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