
The declining diet of Japan's youth

Researchers from the University of Tokyo performed the first study to quantify highly processed food consumption and to investigate its association with diet quality among Japanese children and adolescents. The research is ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How a high-fat diet can make you anxious

When we're stressed out, many of us turn to junk food for solace. But new CU Boulder research suggests this strategy may backfire.


Video: What are gallstones?

Gallstones are hardened deposits of digestive fluid, called bile, in your gallbladder. They range in size from as small as a grain of sand to as large as a golf ball.


Good carbs for optimal health

Do you push away the breadbasket or opt out of any meal that includes macaroni? If so, chances are you are one of the millions of people watching your carbs, or carbohydrates.

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