
Research prevents eco-fraud

In recent years, the growing demand for organic food products has led to the faking of food and fraud. Headed by the Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, a European research project will now develop methods capable ...


China, Taiwan strengthen food safety laws

China and Taiwan have enhanced the powers of their Food and Drug Administrations to be more effective in ensuring food safety and guarding against food fraud, according to a July 13 panel discussion at IFT15: Where Science ...


Horsemeat: French company blamed, UK arrests

(AP)—The price, smell and color should have been clear tipoffs something was wrong with shipments of horsemeat that were fraudulently labeled as beef, French authorities said Thursday. The government pinned the bulk of ...


Contaminated eggs show continuing problems with supply chain

Another food scandal: this time eggs used for making sandwiches and other processed products that contain traces of an insecticide called fipronil. Fipronil is banned in human food production because it can be harmful to ...


7 accused of $375M Medicare, Medicaid fraud

(AP) -- Years after Jacques Roy started filing paperwork that would have made his practice the busiest Medicare provider in the U.S., authorities say they've found most of his work was a lie.


Official: Doctor had recruiters in Medicare scheme

(AP) -- Years after Jacques Roy started filing paperwork that would have made his practice the busiest Medicare provider in the U.S., authorities say they've found most of his work was a lie.


'Grand vision' to regulate allergies in food

A Manchester scientist has contributed to a review of allergen analysis that aims to improve the situation for those living with food allergies – preventing food fraud and protecting consumers.


EU plans more tests for horsemeat in food

The EU will carry out a second round of tests to see if horsemeat is being passed off as beef, after a scandal last year rocked public confidence in food safety standards.

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