
Mayo Clinic Minute: Toss the junk food for better health

The steady stream of holiday cookies and treats may have slowed, but for millions of Americans, the appetite for high-fat, sodium-laden sweets continues. Making the switch from highly-processed junk food to healthier whole ...

Overweight & Obesity

Corn, obesity, and navigating healthy eating choices as a parent

I asked my three-year-old, curly-headed son if he knew where corn came from. "Yes. The store," he said tilting his head downward, keeping his eyes on mine. I chuckled a bit, reminding myself to stay in mom mode and that I ...


Mapping the Danes' kitchen skills

Last year, researchers from Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University developed a so-called quality index, a tool applied when mapping the factors that matter in Danish people's perception of food quality. This year, the tool has been ...


Food barometer measures a populationÂ’'s eating habits

A survey by Taylor's-Toulouse University Centre (TTUC) is collecting data on the food habits of individuals and how their choices are related to modernisation and other social factors. Results show that almost 40% of all ...


Philippines warns against e-cigarette use

The Philippine health department warned the public on Friday against electronic cigarettes, saying the tobacco substitute could turn children into smokers.


Diabetes patients need to be consulted to improve treatment

Patients with type 2 diabetes who tailor their own treatment in cooperation with their doctor can reduce their risk of complications such as heart attack with up to 20 percent. This is the result of a new Danish study from ...

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