
Five ways to keep that lost weight gone for good

(HealthDay)—Losing weight and keeping it off comes down to making permanent changes in the way you eat. Although many eating habits are formed in childhood, it's never too late to improve. But you'll need to reinforce them ...


The bad habits that lead to weight gain

(HealthDay)—It's no secret that weight gain results from consuming too many calories. But at its core is an imbalance of healthy and unhealthy habits.


Five reasons why we overeat

We tend to think that we stop eating when our stomachs are full. Science shows otherwise. Here are five reasons we often overeat without realising it.


Food cues undermine healthy eating choices

Obesity has become a major health issue due to the current 'obesogenic' environment in which unhealthy food is both easy and cheap to purchase. As a result, many (government) organisations encourage healthy eating habits ...

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