
Can diet combined with drugs reduce seizures?

Following a modified Atkins diet high in fat and low in carbohydrates plus taking medication may reduce seizures in people with tough-to-treat epilepsy, according to a study published in the January 4, 2023, online issue ...


Is the food that is good for us also good for the planet?

QUT ecologist Dr. Ayesha Tulloch, dietitian Professor Gallegos and UQ ecologist Dr. Rachel Oh analyzed 150 webpages from six world regions and found 83% of the 2,556 recommendations for food items that might "boost" immunity ...


How to eat less salt

Chances are you consume too much sodium, which can cause high blood pressure. Putting away the saltshaker is never a bad idea, but the vast majority of the sodium we consume comes from packaged foods and restaurant meals. ...


Online menus should put healthy food first

Women who see healthy food at the top of an online menu are 30 to 40 percent more likely to order it, a Flinders University study has found, with the authors saying menu placement could play a role in encouraging healthier ...

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