Food insecurity linked to HIV-treated drug users' deaths

Food insecurity increases the risk of death among injection drug users living with HIV/AIDS even when they are receiving life-prolonging antiretroviral therapy (ART), according to a new study involving Simon Fraser University.


Cochrane group skeptical about latest Roche pledges

(HealthDay)—Following requests from Cochrane researchers, Roche has pledged to release full clinical study reports for Tamiflu, although there appear to be conditions attached, according to correspondence published in BMJ.


Study suggests vitamin deficiency screening needed for refugees

New research from the University of Adelaide has discovered a high prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency among refugees, prompting calls for refugees to be routinely screened for the problem soon after they arrive in the country.


Antiretroviral treatment for HIV reduces food insecurity

Can treatment with modern anti-HIV drugs help fight hunger for HIV-infected patients in Africa? Starting antiretroviral therapy for HIV reduces "food insecurity" among patients in Uganda, suggests a study published online ...

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