
Yes, you can reheat food more than once

Preparing meals in bulk and reheating is a great way to save time in the kitchen and can also help to reduce food waste. You might have heard the myth that you can only reheat food once before it becomes unsafe to eat.


7 tips for eating healthy at home

For some people, being told to stay home all day can disrupt meal routines and add to the challenge of heart-healthy eating. But that challenge can be an opportunity.


The gift of cooking: Five fun and healthy recipe books for kids

When we think about the holidays we often think about all of the great food that we will get to enjoy —your father's famous stuffing or your grandma's homemade cookies. Food brings us together, reminds us of loved ones ...


Wasted nutrients: The result of widespread food waste

The extent of food waste in America is a cause for serious concern. It is estimated that around 1,217 calories per person per day are squandered. A new study in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics looks ...

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