
Study reveals minimalist shoes increase leg and foot muscles

In a recent study conducted by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the Harvard Medical School, running in minimalist shoes can increase leg and foot muscle volume, indicating its potential application in rehabilitation ...


Runners' feet have power of adaptation

A study led by Dr Luke Kelly of The University of Queensland's School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences has explored the intimate relationships between our feet and running shoes.


Foot study may impact design of running shoes

(Medical Xpress)—New insights into how foot muscles support the arch of the foot could spark a change in the design of running shoes, following a study led by The University of Queensland.


Give barefoot running the boot?

Barefoot running has been making headlines ever since 1960, when a shoeless Abebe Bikila set a new world-record marathon time at the Rome Olympics. Even manufacturers have muscled in on the trend over the years, with most ...


Mice point to a therapy for Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease

VIB researchers have developed a mouse model for Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) neuropathy, a hereditary disease of the peripheral nervous system. They also found a potential therapy for this incurable disease. The treatment ...

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