
Club foot gene identified

A gene which could play a role in causing the most severe cases of club foot has been identified by scientists at the University of Aberdeen.


The keys to perfect lunges and squats

(HealthDay)—Want two moves that will effectively develop your lower body? Then add lunges and squats to your strength-training workout.


Mice point to a therapy for Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease

VIB researchers have developed a mouse model for Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) neuropathy, a hereditary disease of the peripheral nervous system. They also found a potential therapy for this incurable disease. The treatment ...


Foot study may impact design of running shoes

(Medical Xpress)—New insights into how foot muscles support the arch of the foot could spark a change in the design of running shoes, following a study led by The University of Queensland.


Simple test helps to predict and prevent falls

The "enhanced paper grip test" validated by researchers from the Centre for Biomechanics and Rehabilitation Technologies (CBRT) at Staffordshire University involves pulling a small card from underneath the participant's foot ...


Stretches for calves, hamstrings and quads

(HealthDay)—Stretching your leg muscles can improve your flexibility and prevent injury. Here are three stretches that you can do every day and at every age.


Q and A: Proper posture and body alignment

DEAR MAYO CLINIC: My grandmother lives with me, and she is always nagging me to "stand up straight" and "put your shoulders back." She says good posture will keep me healthy as I age. But I'm only 17. Does it really matter ...


Runners' feet have power of adaptation

A study led by Dr Luke Kelly of The University of Queensland's School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences has explored the intimate relationships between our feet and running shoes.

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