Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Quad training for knee support

Whether you're mountain biking, kicking a soccer ball with friends, or just sprinting down the street to catch a bus, your quadriceps are hard at work.


Foot painters' toes mapped like fingers in the brain

Using your feet like hands can cause organised 'hand-like' maps of the toes in the brain, never before documented in people, finds a new UCL-led study of two professional foot painters.


Three moves for better balance

(HealthDay)—Guarding against falls isn't just for the elderly. The inner ear's ability to maintain balance can begin to decline as early as age 40, according to a study in Frontiers of Neurology. So the time to improve ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

'Early warning' tool for hard-to-heal leg wounds

Some 500,000 Australians live with the daily burden of a wound that does not heal, but a risk assessment tool that provides an 'early warning' of which venous leg ulcer wounds need specialised treatment has been developed ...


World first 3D printed feet: steps up treatment for diabetics

It's gory, sticky and undoubtedly on the nose, but a blend of icing sugar, chicken stock and flexible resin is proving to be the just the right recipe for creating realistic foot ulcers as part of a world-first podiatric ...

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