Medical research

Researchers discover precisely how thalidomide causes birth defects

Thalidomide may have been withdrawn in the early 1960s for use by pregnant women, but its dramatic effects remain memorable half a century later. Now, researchers have taken a major step toward understanding exactly how thalidomide ...

Inflammatory disorders

New research finds ozone in smog may cause asthma

It's completely invisible, but the distinctive smell of electrical discharge after photocopying is a tell-tale sign of ozone in the air. Ozone is a component of what we refer to as 'smog' and on hot sunny days, in cities ...


Discovering how the brain ages

Researchers at Newcastle University have revealed the mechanism by which neurons, the nerve cells in the brain and other parts of the body, age. The research, published today in Aging Cell, opens up new avenues of understanding ...


Why we age: New theories gaining ground

Why do we age? It's a question that has had scientists scratching their heads for decades, but finally, we are starting to get some answers. Here is the story so far.

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