
Many kids missing out on healthy lifestyle

(HealthDay)—Only half of American youths get the recommended amount of exercise and less than one-third eat the suggested amount of fruits and vegetables each day, according to a federal government study.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Junk food ads trigger positive emotions, healthy foods not so much

You might not care about the fast-food commercial shots of juicy burgers or creamy milkshakes, but they might change your beliefs about these items, whereas shots of fresh salads and berries might not, according to a new ...


The hungry bypass veggies for starches, proteins

(Medical Xpress) -- After going without food for 18 hours, most of us would rather reach for French fries or chicken fingers than green beans or carrots, according to a new study from Cornell's Food and Brand Lab.


Evidence piles up for banning trans fats

(Medical Xpress)—Banning the use of trans fats in the preparation of foodstuffs is one of the most effective ways to prevent some of the world's biggest killer diseases, but many governments are not taking such action because ...


Duke obesity experts in special issue on food and health

Two Duke Global Health Institute faculty members have articles in the November issue of Health Affairs, which is devoted entirely to the subject of food and health, marking the first time the publication has covered the subject ...

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