Psychology & Psychiatry

Young people who game with friends build stronger ties

Games can play an important role in dealing with loneliness among adolescents. By playing video games together, they can build deeper friendships. This was shown in research done by behavioral psychologist Geert Verheijen, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Teen social networks linked to adult depression

Teens who have a larger number of friends may be less likely to suffer from depression later in life, especially women, a new MSU research study has found.

Psychology & Psychiatry

3 ways to promote social skills in homebound kids

With the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic getting worse in most of the country, a growing number of school districts from San Francisco to Atlanta have determined that a return to daily in-person instruction isn't yet safe ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

We feel connected when we move together in time with music

Creating social bonds is essential for our health and well-being. In a new study conducted at Center for Music in the Brain at Aarhus University, Denmark, postdoctoral researcher Jan Stupacher and colleagues showed that music ...


Why children need to play with their friends as soon as they can

Approximately 1.4 billion children worldwide are currently living under partial or full lockdown as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the UK, and in many other countries across the world, it has been six weeks or longer ...

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