Medical research

Uncovering factors at the heart of muscle weakness

The most cited professor at Kanazawa University, Ikumi Tamai, has dedicated his career to investigating the molecules and genes responsible for cardiomyopathy, muscle weakness, and Reye's syndrome. His key discoveries relate ...

Arthritis & Rheumatism

Scientists find genetic link between sugary drinks and gout

(Medical Xpress)—University of Otago and Auckland scientists have for the first time discovered a human gene variant that can "turn bad" when affected by sugary drinks, raising the risk of developing the common and debilitating ...


A glass of milk after eating sugary cereals may prevent cavities

Washing down sugary breakfast cereal with milk after eating reduces plaque acid levels and may prevent damage to tooth enamel that leads to cavities, according to new research at the University of Illinois at Chicago College ...


Can an apple a day really keep the doctor away?

Studies of the bioactive compounds found in apples aim to uncover compounds that have an ability to prevent or alter the risk of serious ailments such as diabetes and heart disease.

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