Medical research

Grandpa's obesity affects the health of his grandchildren

With more than 14 million Australians now overweight or obese, researchers are warning of the harmful legacy that parental obesity can have on future generations. It follows a vital breakthrough in obesity research, which ...


Cannabis use linked to gene mutation

Scientists from The University of Western Australia have identified how using cannabis can alter a person's DNA structure, causing mutations which can expose them to serious illnesses, and be passed on to their children and ...


Will gene editing create designer babies?

On Feb. 1, Britain's fertility regulator approved the country's first research application to use a new gene editing technique known as Crispr on human embryos.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Societally-engaged adults see their lives as redemption stories

Middle-aged Americans who show high levels of societal involvement and mental health are especially likely to construe their lives as stories of personal redemption, according to new research published in Psychological Science, ...

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