
New national study of alcohol health workers published

A new study of alcohol health workers has found that while many hospitals now employ specialist staff to deal with alcohol problems among patients, the work is often precarious and underfunded.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Message to parents: Babies don't 'start from scratch'

There's now overwhelming evidence that a child's future health is influenced by more than just their parents' genetic material, and that children born of unhealthy parents will already be pre-programmed for greater risk of ...

Oncology & Cancer

Common sense health for young adult cancer survivors

Many factors influence the life expectancy of childhood cancer survivors: not getting enough exercise, being underweight, and being worried about their future health or their health insurance. These are the findings of research ...


New study shows pregnant women need to move more

(Medical Xpress)—It may not be enough for women to spend just 30 minutes a day on a treadmill or elliptical if they want to manage their weight during pregnancy. Regular exercise can help lessen back pain, increase energy ...

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