Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Parkinson's disease: Wearable sensors to track symptoms

EPFL scientists have developed algorithms that, combined with wearable sensors, could help clinicians to monitor the progression of Parkinson's disease and assess the effects of medications commonly used by people with this ...


How fast you walk says a lot about your health

During a doctor's appointment, there's a few measures that quickly get a physician up to speed on our current health, such as measuring blood pressure and checking our BMI. But researchers say it could be helpful to add one ...


Yoga may help to prevent frailty in older adults

A systematic review of 33 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) found that yoga improved gait speed and lower extremity strength in inactive older people. However, yoga did not seem to offer a benefit for frailty markers over ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Improving the accuracy of markerless gait analysis

In people with gait disabilities (i.e., a pattern of walking—or gait—that is not normal), assessing gait speed, stride length, and joint kinematics are essential. Measurement of gait parameters over a period of time is ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Looking at the way we walk can help predict cognitive decline

The way people walk is an indicator of how much their brains, as well as their bodies, are aging. Scientists reporting in a special supplement to the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease (JAD) say that gait disorders, particularly ...

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