
Violence remains in top 10 causes of death

Suicide, child abuse, playground fights, gang violence, sexual assault, and domestic violence are just a few examples of violence that touch people in all walks of life and communities everywhere. Homicide and suicide remain ...


Internet led to global 'explosion' of fake drugs

The rapid growth of Internet commerce has led to an explosion of counterfeit drugs sold around the world, with China the biggest source of fake medicines, pharmaceutical experts said Thursday.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Resisting peer pressure

The company an adolescent keeps, particularly when it comes to drugs and criminal activity, affects bad behavior. Right?

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A gang is a group of people who, through the organization, formation, and establishment of an assemblage, share a common identity. In current usage it typically denotes a criminal organization or else a criminal affiliation. In early usage, the word gang referred to a group of workmen. In the United Kingdom the word is still often used in this sense, but it later underwent pejoration. The word gang often carries a negative connotation; however, within a gang which defines itself in opposition to mainstream norms, members may adopt the phrase as a statement of identity or defiance.

The word gang derives from the past participle of Old English gan, meaning "to go". It is cognate with Old Norse gangr, meaning "journey."

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