Oncology & Cancer

PH-sensitive binding mechanism key to virulence of H. pylori

To thrive and establish chronic infection in the very acidic stomach, the gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori uses a specific protein to attach to the protective pH-neutral mucous lining. New research shows how the BabA ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study gauges specific site stomach cancer risks among ethnic groups

Non-white Americans, especially Asian Americans, are at disproportionately higher risk for gastric cancer compared to non-Hispanic white Americans. A new study breaks down this risk according to specific ethnicities and locations ...

Oncology & Cancer

A non-invasive tool for diagnosing cancer

Researchers in Singapore have developed an ultrasensitive method to detect micro-RNAs: tiny molecules that can indicate the presence of tumours. They are applying the technology toward a non-invasive screening test for gastric ...

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