Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Regulation of Parkinson's disease inflammatory responses by a microRNA

A small regulatory RNA called microRNA-155 appears to play a key role in the brain inflammation that helps foster Parkinson's disease. This finding, using a mouse model, implicates microRNA-155 as both a potential therapeutic ...


Mosquito bites deliver potential new malaria vaccine

This study suggests that genetically engineered malaria parasites that are stunted through precise gene deletions (genetically attenuated parasites, or "GAP") could be used as a vaccine that protects against malaria infection. ...

Medical research

Study identifies potential therapy for disease affecting preemies

One in five very low-birth-weight, premature infants suffers a life-threatening brain hemorrhage, often originating in a vital region known as the germinal matrix. In a recently published study in the journal Developmental ...

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