Oncology & Cancer

Study supports 'catch up' HPV test in older women

For women over the age of 65 who have never had a high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) test, a "catch up" HPV screening intervention may improve cervical cancer prevention by detecting more cervical pre-cancer lesions as ...


How many free hot drinks and biscuits are excessive?

When free hot drinks and biscuits are on offer to health care staff, how much is reasonable to take before it's deemed "excessive" consumption, ask researchers in the Christmas issue of The BMJ?


Sex differences and AFib: New study flips conventional wisdom

Science has long shown that men are at greater risk for developing atrial fibrillation (AFib) than women; but it has never been fully understood why women would be protected from developing the condition. New research from ...


Hit your head, lose your sense of smell

It's long been known that people who suffer a major concussion can lose their sense of smell temporarily and also develop affective problems, such as anxiety and depression. Now scientists have found that's true even for ...

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