
People using third-party apps to analyze personal genetic data

The burgeoning field of personal genetics appeals to people who want to learn more about themselves, their family and their propensity for diseases. More and more consumers are using services like 23andMe to learn about their ...

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists identify genes tied to increased risk of ovarian cancer

A team of researchers at UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer, Cedars-Sinai Cancer and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute have newly identified 34 genes that are associated with an increased risk for developing the earliest stages ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Research reveals new insights into hepatitis B

Researchers at the University of Delaware, working with colleagues at Indiana University, have gained new insights into the virus that causes hepatitis B—a life-threatening and incurable infection that afflicts more than ...


Innovations enhance genetic analysis of individual cells

Single cell genomics technology has given scientists the ability to individually read the genetic blueprints of cells, the most fundamental units of life. Now, the center that pioneered the technology, Bigelow Laboratory's ...


'Treatments waiting to be discovered' inside new database

Your genes are blueprints for proteins, and molecules called microRNA can help to determine how often these genetic blueprints are manufactured into proteins. Researchers often ask what microRNA regulates a gene related to ...


Rare mutations may help explain aneurysm in high-risk families

An innovative approach to genome screening has provided clues about rare mutations that may make people susceptible to brain aneurysms, predisposing them to brain bleeds, according to preliminary late-breaking research presented ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers discover hidden genetic influence on cancer

In findings with major implications for the genetics of cancer and human health, researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) and two other science teams in New York City and Rome have uncovered evidence of ...

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