
Study of identical twins reveals type 2 diabetes clues

By studying identical twins, researchers from Lund University in Sweden have identified mechanisms that could be behind the development of type 2 diabetes. This may explain cases where one identical twin develops type 2 diabetes ...


Twins studies to identify the molecular cause of ageing

What makes us age biologically? We have always been intrigued by this question. Yet, it remains a fundamental research challenge. Now, the EU-funded project, EurHEALTHAgeing, aims to draw together studies of early development ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Low-income home strife drives earlier teen sex

(Medical Xpress)—The age at which people become sexually active is genetically influenced – but not when they grow up in stressful, low-income household environments, reports a new study.


Researchers find unexpected genetic mosaic in the brain

(Medical Xpress)—Scientists at the University of Virginia and elsewhere have discovered that nerve cells in the brain are unexpectedly varied in their genetic makeup, a surprising finding that may help explain schizophrenia, ...


Fate of new genes cannot be predicted

New versions of genes, called alleles, can appear by mutation in populations. Even when these new alleles turn the individuals carrying them more fit to survive and reproduce, the most likely outcome is that they will get ...

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