
Is laziness a choice or genetic trait?

Regular physical activity is a crucial part of living a healthy lifestyle. However, a majority of American adults spend their waking hours sitting, which leads to a variety of health issues such as obesity, cardiovascular ...


Researcher discovers gene mutation that contributes to addiction

In the field of addiction research, one question looms large: Why do some people face a higher risk than others for alcoholism and drug abuse? A researcher at the OU College of Medicine, William R. Lovallo, Ph.D., recently ...


Expert discusses RNA's role in diagnosing rare diseases

An individual's genetic makeup, or genome, can reveal important and intimate details of his or her biology. Now, scientists are showing that RNA, the lesser-known molecular cousin of DNA, is powerful in its own right and ...


Rare gut condition a model for study of genetic diseases

Hirschsprung disease—a rare condition where the failure of gut nerves to develop before birth leads to impaired bowel contractions that prevent infants from passing stool—is more predictable from an individual's genetic ...

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