
What role should genetics research play in education?

As researchers learn more about the genes that shape a child's development – including traits of interest to parents and educators – these discoveries must not distract from the essential need for well-crafted policy ...


Let's map our DNA and save billions each year in health costs

A UniSA scientist has called for Australia to embrace pharmacogenetic (PGx) testing to deliver medication more effectively and slash around $2.4 billion wasted each year through unsafe and ineffective drug prescriptions.


New method allows scientists to study how HIV persists

After 35 years of rigorous research, there is still no cure for HIV. Current drugs can be used to halt the infection, but fall short of reaching hidden reserves of dormant virus that can lurk for life within infected white ...


Scientists use advanced technology to better understand ataxia

According to a recent study published in JAMA Neurology, Northwestern Medicine scientists have examined more than a century of data of the genetic makeup of ataxias, a neurodegenerative disorder, to better understand the ...


Cracking the da vinci DNA code

(HealthDay)β€”It is called the "Leonardo Project," and its primary aim is to reconstruct the genetic makeup of one of the greatest minds in history.

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