Psychology & Psychiatry

Genetic marker in children may indicate future psychological problems

Researchers studying a healthy population of young children have uncovered evidence for an association between a genetic marker that modulates the uptake of a particular brain chemical ('neurotransmitter'), serotonin (5-HTTLPR), ...

Overweight & Obesity

Genetic factors may affect exercise benefit

Resistance exercise has well-known health benefits, but the magnitude of those benefits may differ according to an individual's genetic make-up. Women with a high genetic risk of obesity may benefit less from resistance exercises ...

Oncology & Cancer

Panel predicts whether rare leukemia will respond to treatment

Patients with chronic myelomonocytic leukemia have limited treatment options, and those that exist are effective only in fewer than half of patients. Now, a new study identifies a panel of genetic markers that predicted which ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Researchers discover genetic markers for alcoholism recovery

In an international study, Mayo Clinic researchers and collaborators have identified genetic markers that may help in identifying individuals who could benefit from the alcoholism treatment drug acamprosate. The findings, ...

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