Psychology & Psychiatry

Two key brain systems are central to psychosis, study finds

Inside the brains of people with psychosis, two key systems are malfunctioning: a "filter" that directs attention toward important external events and internal thoughts, and a "predictor" composed of pathways that anticipate ...


Neuronal diversity impacts the brain's information processing

Northwestern Medicine investigators have revealed new insights into the impact of neuronal structural diversity on neural computation, the basis of brain function, according to a recent study published in the Proceedings ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Wheat diet may exacerbate multiple sclerosis severity, research finds

A research team at the University Medical Center Mainz has discovered that a diet containing wheat can increase the severity of multiple sclerosis (MS). This is due to the amylase trypsin inhibitors (ATI), natural proteins ...


Gene linked to persistent stuttering into adulthood uncovered

A new study led by University of Melbourne researchers has discovered a link between a new gene pathway and structural brain anomalies in some people who stutter into adulthood, opening up promising research avenues to enhance ...

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