Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

How DNA detectives are helping solve the rise of superbugs

It is now 12 years since the first set of genetic instructions in a human was sequenced. Many of our hopes for using knowledge about the human genome to better fight the likes of heart disease and cancer still lie years and ...


Genome sequencing illuminates rare Aicardi syndrome

As my inbox fills with ever more updates on the number of human genomes sequenced and the plummeting time and cost of next next next generation sequencing, I find myself hitting delete more and more often. Instead, I'm drawn ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Whole genome sequencing found to rapidly enhance infection control

Whole genome sequencing can quickly isolate the specific strain of bacteria causing an outbreak, identify the source of contamination, and enable rapid infection prevention to stop the spread of infection, according to a ...


A new era for genetic interpretation

Millions of genetic variants have been discovered over the last 25 years, but interpreting the clinical impact of the differences in a person's genome remains a major bottleneck in genomic medicine. In a paper published in ...

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