
Nighttime fast may top calorie counting, study finds

In an age of long commutes, late sports practices, endless workdays and 24/7 television programming, the image of Mom hanging up her dish towel at 7 p.m. and declaring "the kitchen is closed" seems a quaint relic of an earlier ...


Risk of disease partially set in womb, scientists say

Pregnant women sacrifice many of life's simple pleasures - caffeine, sushi, a glass of wine - in the hope that their baby will be born healthy. But according to a provocative new field of research, what happens during pregnancy ...


CDC: Add $2 per drink for US excessive drinking

(AP) -- The toll of excessive drinking works out to about $2 per drink, in terms of medical expenses and other costs to society, according to a new federal research.


Parents play a powerful role in predicting DUI

(Medical Xpress) -- Sipping the occasional glass of wine may seem relatively harmless, and could even be beneficial to the drinker’s health. But for parents, even moderate drinking can result in one unintended consequence: ...


Quinn on Nutrition: Mediterranean cooking class

Her opening statement caught our attention: "We start with a glass of wine...and then we start the lesson." With that, Chef Anna and her assistant proceeded with our cooking (and wine-tasting) class at the historic Villa ...


The Zuelch Prize 2013—reward for brain researchers

Maximum reward, minimum punishment: these are the maxims humans and animals often apply when making decisions. A network of nerve cells in the brain conveys gratification. This reward system uses the messenger substance dopamine ...

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