Medical research

Looking for an early sign of LATE: New insights into the pathology

Limbic predominate age-related TDP-43 encephalopathy or LATE is a recently recognized form of dementia that affects memory, thinking and social skills. It mimics Alzheimer's disease or AD (and sometimes co-exists with it), ...

Medical research

Ganglion cells created in mice in bid to fix diseased eyes

While fish, reptiles and even some birds can regenerate damaged brain, eye and spinal cord cells, mammals cannot. For the first time, non-neuronal cells have been induced to mimic specific ganglion cells in the eyes of mice.


Brain's support cells may hold key to new Huntington's treatments

Huntington's disease—a hereditary and fatal genetic disorder—has long been considered a neuronal disease due to the permanent loss of medium spiny motor neurons, the death of which over time is responsible for the clinical ...

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